Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Gestational Surrogacy Update - attorneys


So all of may we have been doing attorney stuff. Why is it OUR attorney keeps pushing us to switch attorneys for the surrogate we have everything planned but it's taking forever. WTF?!?

January - found surrogate
February - discuss details of contract. Surrogate does requirements
March - surrogate does requirements
April - surrogate finishes requirements.

May- attorney
June - attorney and hopefully Meds. Ahhhhh

Why is it taking 6 months.

I get frustrated and just want to give up. So much money in this already.

I just want to have a kid. Stupid how difficult this is.

CKD status - last appt

I had a follow up with the nephrologist , which I will say is still the best nephrologist I've ever had. My creatinine levels are at 1.7. Which is great for me. I target for anything under 2. So 1.7 is ideal. I doubt I can ever get to 1.5.

I was finally told that I don't look dehydrated. Was surprised about that as my water intake hasn't been that much better but hey, I'll take it.

Sodium bicarbonate
Vitamin D

Take Meds twice a day.

Need to follow up with infectious disease.
Have to follow up with neurologist.