Friday, December 26, 2014

3 months post freeze

Sigh. I am just overwhelmed by the search for a surrogate. It's such BS. I didn't want to bring money up but it seems like there is no other way to explain my frustrations. 
10-20k to have a kid is our mentality. Total. But apparently I am wrong. 
People are asking for comp in the 40s or 20s. Just for them. Not including expenses. As an intended parent , we must save for a surrogate, medical expenses and post birth baby stuff. It's overwhelming. 
Makes me want to give up. 
Also, trying to find someone who you trust and will carry your kid well. Your an oven!! Why are you Sooo expensive. We froze two eggs. Apparently that isn't good enough. And we were told to transfer only 1 at a time. Do you know how much that costs? arrg 2k to test someone and transfer fees. I am just over it. Why?!

Friday, October 24, 2014


And now the bills begin stacking up. It's never ending. Recently received a bill for $2000 and I knew there had to be an error. So I called the agency and had to "discuss strongly" with them about the billing being done incorrectly.

Quite frustrating. They are wanting to charge me the $2000 for the Gestational Carrier testing though all that has been done with the potential G.C. is a survey to determine if she was a good fit.

miscommunication along with billing always wanting their money, I am irritated.

I have a full time job and to have to go back and forth calling people seeking a job is ridiculous.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How many embryos?

NEWS of the day:

of the 9 removed
the 5 fertilized
ONLY two made it for freezing.

"Fair" condition.


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day after retrieval

I am sore and loopy.

Was provided with pain medication which I took once only yesterday.

Received phone call today from the Clinic. They stated of the nine follicles extracted they were able to fertilize five.

Looking at dates now. To transfer.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day of retrieval

Woke up around 5 AM, showered and left to surgery location. 
Check in at 830 and surgery at 930. Some issues w signing in process but good. 
When taken back I was given an IV and changed 
When I went to operating room I was given anisthesia and passed out. 

Apparently the doctor came by and told us results. I was out. 

Ethan says 9 follicles were taken. 

Went home and slept. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day before Retrieval

The countdown began last night 9/1/14 at 10PM. It was my last injection that I am aware of. I took the Ovidrel and began the antibiotics.
Received a phone call today informing me of all the procedures I need to be made aware of.
After midnight, nothing is to enter my stomach. I must be at the surgery site in Houston, TX at 8:30 AM. I will be sedated so I had to take off of work.

*Side Note: Work. I have a full time job in order to pay bills and mortgage. Requesting so many days off back to back is ridiculous. Accomodations should be made that if the patient works full time afternoon or evening appointments can occur.

My husband will have to be my driver tomorrow as I am not allowed to use a vehicle.

This is all stage 1.

We are freezing our embryos so that later we can do gestational surrogacy. It's stressful and all i can think and see is the dollar signs attached to everything.

I am twenty-six years old. I would like a child by the time I am twenty-eight. I have a feeling I must start saving like none other very soon. It's overly stressful.

Married at 24, Freezing at 26, Transfer at 28.
August 2016.

Attorney's for later later...

Gestational Intended Parents need one &
Gestational Surrogate (carrier) requires a different one.

I think I found both but it is overly stressful to think that will cost 3-4K.

For a child guys. One that any woman should be able to create.

Don't have the mental capacity currently to vent.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day 11

Heading to Houston for my Ultrasound & Blood Work. Grateful it's Labor Day weekend but why is this taking so long?? The doctor has said follicles aren't quite ready. 
FYI: do you realize what this costs per day? Friday I was told I needed more meds to last me till Monday night. $200 for two boxes of Cetrotide. At this point I working it out day by day. 
Oh, and my stomach hurts like crazy. Scale 1-10 , 10 being the worst it's a 6. My stomach is not meant to be shot up every day. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

8th day of IVF cycle

My stomach is a bit sore from pricking myself on the same side over and over again. I can only do the left side and under belly button due to Transplanted Kidney on my right.

This morning and last night felt a bit woozy.

I have another check with the clinic tomorrow for Ultrasound and Labs to see how big the follicles are. The goal i was told is 18 cm or some metric unit. I was at 12 on Wednesday. So we await for further results.

The nurse who contacted me got the assumption I would be doing the Trigger shot Friday night which means retrieval is Sunday/Monday.

Excited but tired.

I really don't have much side effects from Hormonal medication.

6th day on IVF Medication

I wanted to do this blog mainly so our child can see we really tried and we really love him. I see blogs regarding the Gestational Surrogates or Surrogates in general. Yes I understand you are putting your body through a lot for someone else. We are grateful.
But, what about the parents who cant have? When i was told the statistics on me trying to carry a child I was deeply saddened and felt my world shatter. Then, i realized this can still happen. My husband and I can still produce just . . . I can not be the oven, as a friend tells me.

This journey of our started Spring 2014. Appointments with OB/GYN, Nephrologist and of course Fertility Specialist via a Clinic. It was completely overwhelming but I have always wanted a child. People keep telling me hey, you can still adopt. But i am fertile and our "stuff" works, why can't we just be. I started working with a Clinic after my appointment with Maternal Fetal Medicine which gave me horrible news: Due to my Kidney Transplant Nov. 2010 I will put my transplanted kidney at risk if i birth and carry a child.

I hope that our Gestational Carrier will like to blog or at least write because I will never experience having a child in me and birthing one. I want to know everything. But step by step, I say "phases".

Phase 1: Paperwork and more/ Blood work & Ultrasound from "patient" (female)
Phase 2: Financial Coordinator
Phase 3: Order meds (pricey pricey)
Phase 4: Begin ART program
           a)  hormone medications
BRAVELLE® (urofollitropin for injection, purified) is a prescription medicine that contains hormones. BRAVELLE contains follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone activity. These hormones stimulate healthy ovaries to make eggs.
MENOPUR® (menotropins for injection) is a prescription medicine that contains hormones. MENOPUR contains follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone activity. These hormones stimulate healthy ovaries to make eggs.
            b) Hormone meds along with control med. (Cetrotide).
Cetrotide® (cetrorelix acetate for injection) is indicated for the inhibition of premature LH surges in women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation.
            c)  Ovulation trigger (Ovidrel)
Phase 5: Egg Retrieval
Phase 6: Fertilization occurs

Phase 7: Wait & save save save $$
Phase 8: Gestational Surrogate gets screened.
Phase 9: Lawyers / Legal documents / Psychological
Phase 10: Transfer

So you can see I am on stage 4 currently.
Hormones started 8/21/14 (Bravelle & Menopur)
Added Cetrotide 8/25/14.