Saturday, May 16, 2015


I truly do not feel like writing what so ever but it is a way to express myself and cope. I am frustrated. Very frustrated with the process and with everything.
Yes, I am fully aware this journey will involve spending money, a lot of money, but do NOT rip me off because you can.

Attorney fee's for both Intended parents & Gestational Surrogate
Living Will cost
Escrow costs
Life Insurance (expected )
Medical Bills
Health Insurance

Should we have just gone with an agency, I look back and i deff. say yes. The stress this puts on a person is ridiculous. I just didn't agree and don't that the agency wants 12K or so for coordinating.
You want 1500-ish a month on top of what the surrogate will be getting monthly. You guys realize we own a home, have two mouths to feed along with our animals. No assistance available and it is like we are in the medicare donut hole...just stops moving.

I am frustrated with the to do lists.I am frustrated with the time this is taking. We found our match for surrogacy back in January 2015. We are in MAY now.

I just pray that the migraines wont overdo themselves and that Baby F will be amazing when and if he arrives.

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