Monday, October 31, 2016

Day 10 Post egg retrieval

I haven't been able to write because I've been so tired and zoned to the world. My egg retrieval was Saturday, 10/22/16 at 8:45 AM. Though we had to check in an hour earlier.

The day of the procedure was fine. My right ovary was already very sore due to size and amount of eggs in there. They put me in a side room had me change into a hospital gown with shoe protectors and a hair protector. My husband was able to meet up with me after delivering his specimen. Around the 8:45 hour they wheeled me back to surgery , gave me some gas and injected the anesthesia via my hand IV. I woke up in recovery about an hour after the procedure was complete and my husband was allowed to take me home.

Day 1- other than just feeling very exhausted I felt overall okay. Tired and I rested and slept the majority of the day. They gave me Tylenol #3 initially as my pain medication which I took but I take this on a norm for my migraines.

I was told 16 eggs were taken out at this time.

Instructions: no sex, no bathing, no swimming for two weeks. Rest. Do not over exert oneself.

Day 2- the trooper that I am, I went into work on Sunday. I'm the only one who works that day so hard to get coverage. Mind you, my profession is an adolescent social worker for psychiatric patients inpatient. My mind felt fine but I knew I was drained. I went to work, took my medicine as needed and for the most part I was okay. After work, I went to a friends and napped on the couch.

For PGS testing, I was informed only 8 can be tested of the 16. It's $150 per extra embryo tested.

Day 3- Monday is when things started happening. I went to work again and did what I could. I was able to last the full 8-10 hour day but began feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen. I continued taking my pain medicine as needed.

Day 4 - I went to work and only lasted half the day. My body was very unhappy with me. Walking to and from different buildings made my abdomen hurt severely. My chest began feeling tight and my breathing became irregular. The pain is almost equivalent to a sharp cramp but it doesn't stop, period.

I requested to leave work early because I couldn't function and made a walk in appt with my fertility clinic. They examined me and pulled my blood. The doctor stated that since my ovaries were still enlarged that would cause discomfort and pain. Water was also found during the ultrasound that was making me bloated and added to the discomfort. The pain medication was changed to Tramadol at this point and he added another medication in case I was hyper stimulated.

I went home that Tuesday and rested. Follow up was scheduled for Thursday.

Embryo update: 12/16 were fertilized good.

Day 5- despite doctors recommendations I returned to work on Wednesday. The pain continued and now nausea was an added symptom. I threw up while talking to an ado escent patient and again during a family therapy session. My supervisor had a mlinch meeting with some outside clients and I could barely touch or smell the food. I got ill during that meeting and made the decision to leave slightly after. I informed the doctor and went home to rest after taking my anti nausea medication and pain medication.

Day 6- Thursday! Thankfully I was off this day. I had my follow up in the PM and there continued to be water in my stomach along with ovaries still being inflammated. I rested and took my medicine. At one point this day I believe my dogs jumped on my stomach and the pain shot throughout my body. I literally have to be in a fetal position all day for comfort. The doctor at this point told me not to return to work until the following Tuesday to ensure I am well rested and have time to recover. He also mentioned once my next cycle occurs, I'll feel better and that should be occurring Tuesday the 1st of Nov.

Day 7 - Friday. Stayed home as I was off and informed my employer that the doctor is requesting I stay home this weeks and up until Tuesday. My employer was not in favor of this and said maybe I could have Saturday off but not Sunday.

Pain level was decreasing a bit but still strong cramping feeling.

Embryo report: 6 appeared ready to be frozen , the others may be ready by next day.

Day 8- Saturday. I woke up with a strong pain throughout my body. I could barely walk and I could literally feel my "vagina" yelling at me. It simply hurt the worst. When they say your are healing for two weeks, you are HEALING for two weeks.

I was fortunate to have my mother come over this day and bring me some soup.

I rested the majority of the day. By rested: I slept, I drank water or Gatorade And tried to eat healthy. The #1 thing I've been doing is sleeping. My eyes are heavy and I feel even my face getting swollen.

Day 9- I was made to return to work prior to the doctors recommendations. I arrived and thought, "I can do this." I made my plan of actin and worked hard from 8:30-6:30 PM. This was a mistake. The office building has temperatures ranging from 80 -63 depending on what part you are in. I chose to stick near nurses station because it was the warmest. Every time I went to my office, my nose would drain and my eyes were tearing up. It was not a pretty site. I had other coworkers ask me what was wrong because my eyes were getting puffy and I became heavily congested. I already have a weakened immune system due to my kidney transplant six years ago. I did what I could at work but once the six o'clock hour hit I had to check priorities and I left at 6:30. 27 patients, one therapist one the unit. Stressful day.
I then went home to rest and basically pass out. I let my employer know I would be following doctors recommendations for now on and won't return till Tuesday or Wednesday.

Cyro report: 6 embryos were able to be frozen.

Day 10 - today is Monday and day 10. I did not go to work. My stomach feels okay but my face doesn't. I am showing symptoms of either allergies or just nasal congestion. :(

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